St. Michael

The St. Michael's at Kurji, a few kilometers upstream along the Ganga, was the first 'missionary' school for boys in Patna. It was Bishop Anastasius Hartmann who founded the School in 1858, though it was named St. Michael's School in 1894. In his second term in Patna as the Vicar Apostolic in June 1860 , he shifted to St. Michael School Campus and stayed there til his death  in 1866.  Initially, St. Michael School was run by Capuchin father's, followed by Irish Brother's and in 1968, this school was taken over by the Jesuits and the students of the St. Xavier's School were transferred there.It catered almost exclusively to the Anglo-Indians who, on passing out of school, went directly into services like the police, telegraphs or the railways which gave them preferential employment. It excelled in hockey but was not in cricket.


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